Franchise Style Work at Home Business

It's very common to want to sack the boss, in fact 70% of Americans recently surveyed said they would prefer to be self-employed. Did you know there are almost 40 million home-based business owners in the U.S.A., with a new one starting every 12 seconds. Surprisingly the success rate for home-based business owners is much higher than those in conventional small businesses.

Want to be your own boss with max international work from home and sack the boss

home based business system

Learn more about working from home with Max International and be your own boss

Work from Home
Sack Your Boss
Be Self Employed

Have you ever had a great idea for a work from home business but didn’t have the slightest clue where to begin?

Owning your own business could be the most rewarding, viable and profitable venture you ever undertake.

Unfortunately, many work at home businesses are destined to fail from the start due to lack of information and initial stability that might have improved the odds of it successfully surviving the tough competitiveness existing within the "Be Your Own Boss" business industry.


Consider joining Max International - The Glutathione Company™

No other company can match the products or understanding of glutathione. Thousands have experienced for themselves the life-changing benefits of Max International's products. Max Associates are generously rewarded for sharing the products, with one of the most lucrative compensation plans in the industry. Whether you want to add a little additional income or start a new career as a Max Associate, the Max Compensation Plan can generously reward you for your efforts.

Four Things You Need to Know about being self-employed with Max International

  1. Max International sells health and wellness products to individuals who suffer from a variety of medical ailments. In addition to these essential products, Max International also offers high-quality skin care products that are currently much in demand by women experiencing premature aging skin problems or who want to delay the onset of wrinkles and dry skin.

  2. All Max International products have undergone rigorous testing, are patented or are in the process of being patented (patent pending). Specifically, you will be offering MaxONE and Cellgevity health and wellness products and anti-aging skin products called Visible Solutions.

  3. Exponential income is generated by sales and residual profit payments that increase as other Max International franchises are established. This means that in addition to garnering profits from your own sales, you will also profit from other franchise owners who own a Max International business.

  4. Max International is a proven network marketing opportunity that is totally home-based. Mothers with small children, college students on a tight budget, individuals with mobility issues and business entrepreneurs can all work as franchise owners with minimal disruption to their daily activities. You can actually set your own working hours and make much-needed extra income without stepping outside your front door. So what's stopping you? Be Self Employed - Sack the Boss and start working from home in your own business.

Be your own boss in the USA work from home

Is being Self-employed worth it?   Yes, there are many benefits of being self-employed...

Working from Home Can Deliver Health, Wealth & Happiness

Would You Prefer to Be Self Employed? This Home Biz Opportunity from Max International pays very generous commissions.

If you have been spending your days and years working as an employee for another company, then there have probably been times when you have dreamed about branching out on your own. The fact is, millions of people have done just that, and they are now living their lives free from the stress and worries of work. There is no better time than today to get started running your own company and setting your own hours. More than ever before, there are opportunities for nearly anyone to get started running their own business. One of the best ways to get started immediately is by acting as a home based distributor of Max International products. The only real prerequisite for becoming financially successful as an independent associate / distributor is the willingness to work hard.

Financial Freedom, Security and Independence is available with Max International

Unfortunately, many work at home businesses are destined to fail from the start due to lack of information and initial stability that might have improved the odds of it successfully surviving the tough competitiveness existing within the "be your own boss" business industry.

So what are the benefits you might expect if you decide to become an associate with Max International in the USA and be your own boss? Here are a few.

Flexible Schedule - Time Freedom - Get Started Today

A nine to five job doesn't sound that bad - until you realize just how rigid it is. Haven't you ever wanted to get an extra hour or two of sleep one day? It's not that you didn't want to work and be productive, but you knew that you'd be twice as effective if you were able to get an extra hour of sleep. Unfortunately, a 9 to 5 job doesn't give you this flexibility at all. You are forced to get up when the alarm clock goes off. Then you must sleepwalk through the rest of the day in a haze. If you work from home, you don't have to worry about this at all. If you think you need an extra hour of sleep, who has the right to tell you otherwise? Not only will you feel great every day, but you will be able to perform at a high level every day because you'll be fully rested.

Have you ever been late to work? It stinks, doesn't it? Everyone looks at you like you're a bum, and you have to throw together some kind of an excuse to tell your boss. It can make you feel like you're a little child; so what if you were 20 minutes late! If you work from home as a distributor of Max International products, you'll never have to explain yourself to anyone ever again.

A flexible schedule can also help you maintain a higher level of health. Many people who work from home like to work for a couple hours, then go for a walk around the neighborhood. Then they might work a couple more hours, and then head to the gym for a brief workout. Try explaining this schedule to your boss at work. He'll expect you to remain in your cubicle for hours at a time. This is not good for your health.

Another convenient aspect of working from home is that you won't need to worry about taking off time from work if you need a repairman to come by your house. If your home needs some plumbing work, you can schedule an appointment at any time, and you'll know that you will always be there when he comes by.

You also won't ever need to worry about unexpected drop-ins from your co-workers. This is one of the biggest problems of a normal work environment. It can be extremely difficult to focus fully on a task when we might be interrupted at any time by an intrusive co-worker. If you are working from home, you can simply shut off your email, turn your cell phone to silent, and work for as long as you need to without any interruptions. If your children aren't yet in school, this can be more difficult, but it is often possible to find activities that will keep them busy so you can fully concentrate.

You will also be able to remain healthier because of your food choices. An unfortunate thing about working at a regular job is that you are restricted in the food choices you have for your meals. Not only do you not have a wide selection to choose from, but you are often pressed for time. If you only have a half hour or an hour to find a meal and eat it, then what choices do you really have? For most people, this turns out to be a fast food meal or a few snacks from the vending machine. Although these foods can often be tasty in the short term, they can be devastating to your health in the medium to long-term. If you eat too many refined carbohydrates, it's likely that your blood sugar will crash after a few hours, and you'll feel groggy and tired. In the long term, your waistline will expand, and you'll give up years of your life. If you decide to work from home as a distributor of Max International products, you can eat whenever you choose. You might decide you'd like to eat a small healthy snack every hour or two. You can begin cooking a meal during one of your breaks, and then come back and eat it when it has finished cooking a couple hours later.

Be Self Employed and Enjoy More Quality Time with Family

Perhaps the greatest benefit that many people report when they begin distributing Max International products is the improved relations between family members. Working at a regular job can be one of the greatest hazards to the wellbeing of your family. For one thing, you probably rarely get to see them because you are at work all the time. The average American wastes more than an hour every day sitting in his or her car on the way to and from work. This is time that you could be spending with your family.

Not only does working at a traditional job cause you to spend less time with your family, but it ensures that the time you actually do get to spend with them isn't nearly as high quality as it should be. Have you ever come home from a long day at work, only to have your children do something that annoyed you? We've probably all experienced this - maybe way too often. What they were doing probably wasn't even that bad, but because you were stressed from work, you snapped at them. You treated them much more harshly than was really warranted.

It would be nice if our children could read our minds and could know when we've had a bad day at work, but unfortunately this isn't the case. They don't even know what work is. Do you remember when you were a child and you used to say "I can't wait to grow up so that I can do whatever I want and no one will ever be able to tell me what I can do"? This is what your children think your life is like. And what ever happened to that dream? Don't you think it could still be possible to finally grow up and live a life where no one will ever be able to tell you what to do? It's possible and within your grasp if you join Max International as an independent associate.

Once you are finally free from the stresses and time prisons of work, you'll get to spend more time with your children and spouse. Since you'll be less stressed, you'll be a happier and more loving person when you are around them. They will begin to love and respect you more than you could have ever thought possible. If your children currently have any behavioral problems, you'll be amazed by how quickly they clear up once you are able to be fully present and empathetic with them, rather than always focused on and complaining about your unfair bosses and co-workers.

You'll also be able to take many more fun vacations with your family. Since you'll have more money and won't have to haggle with your boss for time off, you'll be able to take a trip anytime you please. Perhaps your children have been bugging you to take a trip to Disney World. If you become a distributor for Max International products, you'll finally get a chance to go. You'll finally be able to travel in style with your family. Rather than comparing the rates between Motel 6 and Best Western, you'll be trying to figure out whether you'd rather stay in a 5-star hotel in Paris or an all inclusive cruise through the Caribbean.

Earn more Money - Enjoy True Financial Freedom

Possibly the best part about being your own boss promoting Max International products is that you'll finally be able to make a lot more money. Maybe you'll begin by working on the side from your regular job to get your feet wet. However, once most people discover how much money it is really possible to make, they soon let their old job go. It's not hard to understand why. Besides the more flexible hours which free up your time, the better time you get to spend with your family, and the less daily stress you are forced to deal with, you'll also have the added benefit of making much more money.

Once you've got your income up to 5 figures per month using Max International's proven system for success, you'll feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders. You'll be able to free yourself from debt and finally be able to buy all the things you've dreamed about.

5 figures per month is the goal that most serious Max International distributors set for themselves. Once you have achieved it yourself, you should probably throw a celebration for yourself. Imagine yourself as you are driving in your brand new car heading to your favorite shopping center to go on another shopping spree. You'll be able to buy many more shoes and pieces of jewelry than you could ever imagine. You'll be able to buy that big screen home theater system you've always wanted. Everyone in your family will get what they want and everyone will be happy.

Perhaps you've always wanted to own a boat so that you and your family could take weekend trips out to the lake. You could teach your kids how to fish. Just imagine your hair billowing through the wind as your sailboat cuts through the water. These are the kinds of memories that you and your family will remember and cherish forever.

Once you've become your own boss with Max International working from home, you'll be able to pay off your mortgage. Not only will your income be much higher, but all your bills will be greatly reduced. This is what people mean when they say they have finally achieved financial freedom. Luckily, financial freedom isn't for a lucky few or only the great among us. It is possible for anyone who is willing to learn the proven step-by-step system and to put it into action.

Help Your Community - Share your Success

Although working as a distributor of Max International products can have many benefits to you and your family, you'll ultimately find that the greatest rewards come from the ways that you'll know you are helping your community to become a better place.

You'll be helping your community from the first day you begin working from home. If you are currently commuting to work every day, then you are contributing to many of the problems facing the world today. Have you ever complained that there is simply too much congestion on the streets, especially during rush hour? All those people will thank you for taking your car off the road during those hours. But there is an even greater problem. All those cars are contributing to the growing problem of greenhouse gases. These gases make the air hard to breathe, and we are not yet sure about the long-term consequences of this. There is also the problem of gasoline. As you know, gasoline prices have risen dramatically over the past few years. By reducing your demand for gas, you free up more of the supply for everyone else, which means that you will be doing your part to keep gas prices low.

You might not think this has much of an effect, but imagine if everyone began to work from home. How much less crowded would the streets be? How much easier would it be to drive when you actually did need to go somewhere? How much cleaner would the air be? How much would gas prices come down? When you start to think about it this way, you can see that being your own boss working from home with Max International can not only give you the freedom, relationships, health, and wealth that you want - but it is actually the right thing to do.

You'll also be able to help you community more because you'll probably grow very wealthy as an independent associate of Max International. Typically, it is the wealthiest people of any community who become its leaders and greatest contributors. You may want to start small by making a small contribution to one of your favorite charities. As you make more and more money, you'll soon realize that the amount you're giving away is a pittance compared to the fortune that you are amassing for yourself.

One of the best things to do at this point is to start your own charity. You might decide that you want to help people who are in your own current situation. You can help and teach other people how they can get out of debt themselves and begin creating the life of their dreams the way you did. You might decide that you think the problems in Africa are getting out of hand and create a fund to help develop medicine or programs to feed the needy children who must live on less than a dollar per day. Maybe you'll decide that you want to build a library or museum in your community. There will really be no limit to the amount you could give back or accomplish once you have become wealthy yourself. The way that most people begin building wealth like this is by working hard and breaking free of the normal 9 to 5 job that had previously held them hostage.

Max International has many products you can begin distributing. These are high quality products you can believe in. They will be easy to sell because you know that they will be improving the quality of people's lives. You can choose from products like Cellgevity, Meta-Switch Weight Loss System, MaxONE and MaxATP to name just a few. These are all products that are specifically designed to increase the abundance, wellbeing, and good health of their users. It is completely up to you whether you want to distribute all of them or concentrate on your favorite.

If you have been keeping your eyes open for an opportunity to increase your wealth, happiness, and health in a way that is meaningful and which contributes to the happiness of others, then you might want to look into Max International. They provide all the tools you need to get started on the road to wealth.