Glutathione Side Effects of the Detox Process are Negligible and Short-Term

This article will examine...

  • The benefits of boosting your glutathione levels,
  • Whether or not there are any serious side effects,
  • How to take glutathione effectively and in particular
  • How to increase your glutathione levels naturally.

What is Glutathione?

Glutathione is naturally produced by the body, it’s a powerful detox agent / antioxidant essential for good health, without it we would be dead.

So there are only good benefits, no bad side effects of the molecule called “glutathione”.

The GOOD & BAD NEWS:  It’s produced within every cell of the body “good”, BUT as we age our body’s ability to produce it diminishes. That’s why people are interested in boosting their glutathione levels, by whatever method they can.

Most methods suggested on Social media are ineffective (i.e. just a serious waste of money). Some bad effects are possible from taking some types of supplements designed to increase glutathione levels.

Glutathione the Super Antioxidant

People today are more health conscious than during any other time in history. Most people are familiar with antioxidants and their importance in the fight against free radicals. However, ironically probably the most important antioxidant is virtually unknown, and gets very little attention in the healthcare world. Glutathione is the antioxidant being called the most important factor affecting our overall health. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, founder of The Ultrawellness Center in Lenox Mass, the antioxidant glutathione is one of the most important molecules when it comes to staying healthy.

Glutathione is like a super antioxidant. Glutathione does three important things to remove toxins from the body and keep us healthy. It destroys free radicals, strengthens the immune system, and cleans the liver. Glutathione is virtually indestructible in its ability to keep our bodies healthy. The only threat to glutathione is what we choose to put in our bodies and stress. As we get older our body's ability to produce glutathione naturally declines. By the time we are 45 our glutathione levels are significantly lower than when we were in our 20s. It was reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, patients with heart disease where also among those with the lowest glutathione levels. Scientists are starting to take note of the correlation between other free radical related diseases like Alzheimer's, cancer and heart disease, and glutathione levels.

The Power of Glutathione was an Amazing Discovery

Dr. Hyman kind of stumbled on the discovery of the relationship between glutathione levels in the body and overall health. It was during the mid-1990s Mark had all of sudden gotten very sick. He had muscle pain, and was feeling very fatigued. Dr. Hyman administered a battery of test to try to find out why he was feeling so bad. It was discovered he had mercury poisoning. Dr. Hayman concluded he must have contracted this during his time in China. While in China, Dr. Hyman ate fish, probably contaminated with the deadly toxin. Dr. Hayman also breathed China's heavily polluted air during his time in China. While working to rid his body of the mercury, Dr. Hayman believes he inadvertently lost most of his glutathione. Dr. Hayman also found he lacked a critical gene by the name of GSTM1. GSTM1 plays the critical role in the recycling of glutathione, which is one of glutathione most valuable properties or abilities. Believing at first it was a coincidence, Dr. Hyman now knows, high glutathione levels are paramount to good health.

So what is Glutathione?

Glutathione is found everywhere in the body, in every cell. Its job is to protect the mitochondria of the cells in the body. Glutathione protects the mitochondria by protecting it from viruses and toxins. Glutathione is also the lifeline for other antioxidants in the body, like vitamin C and vitamin E, because without glutathione they would die after they attack a free radical. Typically antioxidants die after they kill a free radical. Glutathione has the ability to resurrect other dead antioxidants after they neutralize a free radical, and the ability to recharge itself according to Leslie Fuller, National College of Natural Medicine. So when asked about Glutathione Side Effects the reply should be, "Negligible and Short-Term". Glutathione is produced by the body to fight against free radical damage so it is definitely a good thing to have! If however, your glutathione levels are very low and you embark on a project to increase the level of glutathione in your body, you may experience some short-term side effects of the detox process.

Glutathione is produced within the body from the building blocks of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. Glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine are amino acids. Cysteine is found in eggs, garlic and protein. Cysteine is very rich in sulfur, which is sticky. The cysteine in glutathione is used to grab the toxins and remove them from the body. Glutathione is found in foods like avocado, spinach, asparagus, squash, as well as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage all help the body replenish and maintain its glutathione levels, as well as green tea, and fish oils. While cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine and processed foods do the opposite and deplete your body's glutathione levels. Oxidative stress occurs when these toxins from our environment cause corrosion in the body.

Our metabolism creates free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals are molecules that are missing an electron. Free radicals take neutrons from surrounding cells, thus turning them into free radicals themselves. This neutron taking can lead to cells behaving in a manner they are not intended to, and cause serious damage to the body.

Glutathione is found everywhere in the body and in particularly high concentration in the liver. The liver's job is to detox the body, by riding our bodies of toxins. The liver rids our bodies of toxins in a two-step process; first the liver synthesizes the toxin so it can be removed from our system, next glutathione moves the synthesized toxin out in our urine. Without glutathione to ride our bodies of these toxins, they build up and we get sick.

How to Maintain Healthy Levels of Glutathione

Determining whether or not your glutathione levels are low is a little tricky. Dr. Hayman looks for missing genes like the GSTM1, some specialist analyze telomeres, or traces of oxidation in the blood. A proper diet is the best way to ensure proper health and keeping your glutathione at optimum levels. Be sure to consume lots of the foods that help replenish and maintain glutathione levels like avocado, spinach, asparagus, squash, as well as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. In addition be sure to eat lots of eggs, garlic and whey protein. Most important is to limit the oxidative stress caused by eating highly processed fast foods. Instead try to eat more organic foods, filtered water and limit the amount of refined foods. It's also important to include other antioxidant rich foods like strawberries, bell peppers and mangoes. Antioxidant rich foods will keep your body's overall antioxidant level high, so it won't have to depend on glutathione side effects to remove accumulated toxins.

What are the Side Effects of Glutathione?

Let's start by examining exactly what is glutathione. It is an antioxidant naturally produced within the body to help fight against the damage caused by free radicals. Glutathione is a tripeptide containing three amino acids (cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine). Glutathione is an antioxidant that collects and removes free radicals making it an extremely effective detoxifying agent.

Health Benefits of Glutathione (i.e. Positive Side Effects)

Glutathione keeps us healthy by destroying free radicals, strengthening our immune system and removing toxins from the liver. In particular, glutathione helps the body repair damage caused by oxidative stress resulting from, pollution, radiation, infection, prescribed medications, smoking, insufficient nutrients in average modern day diet, injury, trauma, burns, and the normal process of aging.

Considering the power of glutathione as an antioxidant, an immune system booster, and a detoxifier, it's no surprise that you may want to encourage the production of this naturally occurring substance in your body. A handful of researchers are saying the antioxidant glutathione can do all that and maybe more.

Maximizing your glutathione levels is also proven to reduce chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders, autism, some forms liver disease, and more. Leaving aside its ability to aid in the treatment of several diseases, adequate levels of glutathione will ensure good health and longevity.

Are there any Negative Side Effects?

This is a typical and wise question to ask when considering whether or not to take a particular prescription medicine or when buying over-the-counter nutritional supplements. Generally, when asking about "Side Effects" we are wondering if there will be a negative impact of one sort or another of taking some externally / chemically produced product. BUT, glutathione is naturally produced within the body so obviously it's good for us!

So a better question would be, "Are there any Side Effects from trying to boost glutathione levels?"

The answer depends upon what method is used enhance glutathione levels. There may be side effects from taking excessive amounts of supplements designed to support natural glutathione production, too much of anything is not good. It's always a good idea to consult a qualified medical professional who is aware of any existing health conditions you may have. The main message I would like to convey is that Glutathione Side Effects if any are likely to be "Negligible and Short-Term" in most cases.

Negative Side Effects of Glutathione Supplements

  • Zinc is a key element in our human cells, which is essential for the immune system to work to its best capacity. Continuous consumption of Glutathione has been identified as one of the reasons for the decrease in zinc threshold in the body.
  • People who are suffering from Asthma should be extra careful while inhaling this antioxidant, as they could be prone to asthma attacks.
  • It has not been confirmed yet about the kind of effects Glutathione might have during pregnancy.
  • Some studies have directed towards gastrointestinal effects caused by Glutathione. Cramps in the abdomen and bloating are perfect examples.
  • The Glutathione supplements are also known to cause rashes and allergies in some individuals. On the other side, they subside once you stop the intake of the supplement.
  • Some statistics point towards diarrhea, stool reduction and weight gain in individuals who took the Glutathione pills.
  • Even though the effects are not dangerous, regular usage of Glutathione pills is also known to affect the liver in some individuals.
  • There are Glutathione creams available in the market. Even though they tend to be quite popular, it is attributed to decrease in the production of melanin. It decreases the thickness of skin and could result in various skin ailments.
  • Excessive levels of Glutathione are suspected of having a minor negative impact on kidney function.

Even though none of the above mentioned side effects could be termed as life threating, you should be careful, especially while consuming Glutathione in the form of some pills.

Ways to Boost Glutathione Levels

Given the important role glutathione plays in the body it's not surprising that people are seeking ways to boost their glutathione levels. There are many options available, some ineffective (i.e. a total waste-of-money), some good and others very effective.

Aging Threatens Our Natural Level of Glutathione

As we age, the natural levels of glutathione in our bodies depletes and our bodies fight to maintain a healthy level of this helpful molecule. As our cells fight to keep up with the demand for glutathione, our overall health and wellness begins to pay the price. So, what can you do to help your body maintain a healthy level of this essential antioxidant to fight back against the world around us?

By choosing your vitamins carefully, you can help your body fight back against outside elements. Unfortunately, there are no glutathione supplements to help us on our way. We must take time to evaluate the vitamins we take in order to boost our health and vitality, which improves our body's ability to produce glutathione naturally.

Why Are There No Glutathione Supplements Available?

The reason it is so difficult for scientists to harness the power of glutathione is because, like most beneficial molecules, absorption through the mouth can be very difficult and ineffective. The best way to go around this problem is by using intravenous therapy to provide the vitamins and precursors necessary for the body to produce its own glutathione. Currently, studies are being completed on this process, but there is no solid evidence supporting this method of increasing the "master antioxidant" concentration in the human body.

What Risks Are Associated with Taking Glutathione?

Currently, Glutathione is being studied in various ways, including intravenous therapy to assist those who are seriously ill, and whose body is depleted of the powerful antioxidant. Since its use is still being studied, there is no hard evidence on whether it is completely effective, or whether it assists on a case-by-case basis.

There are some risks associated with using glutathione, but if administered by a medical professional in reasonable quantities. However, research has shown some issues in providing it as a supplement to people who have allergies to certain milk proteins or who have recently received an organ transplant. Studies have shown positive results in the treatment of different forms of cancer.

There have been a lot of positive results in treating patients with cancer patients through intravenous therapy. There is no evidence to date that leads researchers to believe it makes cancer worse. However, there is research to show that there are positive results of using Glutathione as a supplemental treatment alongside of chemotherapy. It can reduce the side effects experienced with chemo, and may even improve the efficacy of chemotherapy. It also shows that more normal cells are protected from the potentially harmful effects of chemotherapy.

What are the Side Effects of Glutathione?

Whether you are an avid user of glutathione or you have just been introduced to this amazing and effective antioxidant, it is always smart to investigate a supplement's benefits and side effects to determine if it will be a good fit for you. Everybody's system is somewhat different, so with supplements ranging from total and completely organic with minimal processing to synthetic and/or processed with chemicals, you must know your supplement. Of course, those with more additives are able to affect individuals in more adverse ways depending on their composition, and natural supplements have fewer ingredients, so there are fewer chances for irritating features to arise.

During the past three decades, considerable research has been done on Glutathione, but most people are still not aware of the powerful and positive benefits of this triple-amino acid. Glutathione is naturally produced within the human body. It is found in every cell and in high concentration in the liver because it is an incredible protector that destroys free radicals that invade the body. Free radicals are toxic, deformed cells that create chaos and disease throughout the body, and without the action of the Glutathione, sickness would occur much more frequently.

Glutathione is comprised of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid, and glycine, and all are produced in the body. The only problem is that after age 30, the production of Glutathione begins to decline. This is the time when supplements are helpful to restore Glutathione production again to prevent a loss of energy and health. Glutathione has been found to be a proven treatment for autoimmune disorders, cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic fatigue, environmental sensitivities, allergies, autism, and in recent studies, it has also been shown to have anti-aging properties.

Since the benefits of this major antioxidant have only been studied in the past few decades, scientists are continually discovering more amazing properties. In order to function at an optimum level, your body needs a continual supply of natural Glutathione. So when your body can't make adequate amounts any longer, the proper supplements are needed to replenish the supply and enhance growth.

Glutathione Side Effects are Mostly Positive

Pure natural Glutathione is used to support your existing Glutathione, no matter how healthy or depleted your system may be, and because you produce your own levels, there aren't any other ingredients to produce negative side effects. Glutathione is produced in the liver, so let's look at what Glutathione is, what its benefits are, and any negative side effects it may have.

Glutathione is naturally produced in the body, but it typically begins to decline by age 30. Millions don't know why they experience a decrease in energy and general good health, but low Glutathione levels could be the reason because it has three critical purposes in the body:

  1. It is a powerful detoxifier that rids the body of harmful toxins.
  2. Super Antioxidant and Cell Protector that prevents anti-inflammatory diseases.
  3. Invigorates the immune system and increases health at the cellular level.

Glutathione is known as the "master antioxidant." It builds cells, and its primary job is to protect healthy cells from invading toxins such as Free Radicals that circulate in the body, and its detoxifying benefits are extremely important in the health of the liver, which in turn, detoxifies the entire body. Glutathione's unique antioxidant powers actually maximize the benefits of other antioxidants, such as C, E, and CoQ10, so they work better. Glutathione is an exceptional contributor to the body's phenomenal ability to heal itself.

Recently, research has shown that Glutathione is "The Most Effective Antioxidant and Detoxifier" in the body, and studies have shown that it supports most of the functions that stimulate energy and improve wellness. Glutathione performs so many beneficial tasks; science has found it virtually invaluable to a healthy, energetic system.

How to Supplement the Existing Glutathione You Already Have

Glutathione is a unique combination of three amino acids, so if you want to increase Glutathione in your body, the best method is to take supplements that enhance the total environment within your body and create a system that is favorable for Glutathione production. This is more beneficial than trying to add a new type of "Glutathione" because Glutathione that your body produces matches your chemistry. It simply enhances your own supply naturally.

Possible Negative Side Effects

Since enhancing your own unique Glutathione is the preferred way to stimulate Glutathione production, it is difficult to find negative side effects because it is your own DNA. Any symptom that you might initially experience would only be mild and temporary.

According to, there are only four cautionary suggestions for the consumer and the proper use of a natural Glutathione supplement:

  1. The only detriment in taking Glutathione is using the dry form. It is advised that if the user has been previously diagnosed with asthma, not to inhale powdered Glutathione because it may increase asthma symptoms.
  2. The powdered form may also cause abdominal cramps and/or bloating, as it is resistant to your specific digestive enzymes and stomach acids. These are minimal, and the body will often adjust.
  3. Glutathione in oral form may be made with bovine milk extracts; so if a rash forms that resembles Urticaria and you have milk allergies, discontinue use.
  4. The only precaution or warning is that a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding should not use a Glutathione supplement. The reasons are that there is not enough information known about the relationship of Glutathione in these situations. To be safe, avoid use until you have returned to average adult health.

Finally, for the best results, decrease toxins such as nicotine, alcohol, chemicals, and solvents because they deplete the body's supply of Glutathione. Any slight adverse effects of this antioxidant are far outweighed by the incredible benefits and improvements that it produces.

Typically, 72 hours is enough time to introduce and accept a new supplement into the body, and remember consuming foods that contain and promote Glutathione production will complement a natural Glutathione supplement.