Glutathione strengthens the immune system and prevents disease

Discover the power of Glutathione and learn how it works in the body to strengthen the Immune System and prevent inflammation related disease.



Glutathione and Your Body

Glutathione is a natural antioxidant produced within our bodies that helps us fight free radical damage. Free radicals are produced by oxygen consumption in our cells are also spawned by toxins such as pollution, herbicides, smoking and radiation. Unfortunately as we age, our natural levels of antioxidants, such as glutathione, decrease putting our bodies at risk for free radical damage and oxidative stress (imbalance caused by free radical production vs. the body's inability to detoxify them).

Max International has a collection of products that work with our bodies to enhance glutathione production. These products can help our bodies fight against damage to our heart, ears, eyes, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain and other major organs.

Glutathione can help our bodies fight free radical damage:

The Heart: One of the leading causes of death in the United States is heart disease. Arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries, is often a contributing factor to heart disease. Lipid peroxidation (the oxidation of fats by free radicals) has been identified as a cause of arteriosclerosis. Glutathione is a critical component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme helps detoxify the lipid peroxides produced during lipid oxidation.

The Ears: Free radical damage can cause oxidative injury leading to age-related hearing loss. The cochlea (inner ear) contains glutathione to help fight damage and reduce both noise- and age-related hearing loss.

The Eyes: Glutathione is found in the lens of our eyes to protect against UV radiation. Oxidation of the lens proteins leads to opacity of the lens and changes in sight. Antioxidants are crucial in the fight again oxidative stress in our eyes' lenses.

The Lungs: Our lungs work hard to detoxify the environmental chemicals we inhale every day. Glutathione is found in high concentrations in our lungs to assist in this detoxification process.

The Kidneys: Antioxidants are essential to helping the kidneys filter waste products in order to protect our bodies from toxins.

The Liver: Glutathione is a key element used by the liver as it cleans toxins from the body before they are able to enter our bloodstream. Over time, exposure to large amounts of toxins can significantly reduce levels of glutathione and other antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) that can result in liver damage and oxidative stress.

Glutathione can help your brain

Despite accounting for only 2% of the body's mass, the brain consumes 20% of the total oxygen used by our bodies. Due to this high level of oxygen use and a naturally lower concentration of antioxidant activity, the brain is highly vulnerable to oxidation, oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Free radicals are generated by oxygen consumption in our cells. Detoxification of these free radicals is essential to the health of our brain and to help prevent neurodegenerative diseases that have been associated with damage caused by free radicals.

Glutathione is the primary antioxidant protecting our brains from this damage. In order to better understand how glutathione can help our brains, we need to understand how our brains and its key components, such as lipids, work.

Lipids are a group of molecules which include fats and vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Lipids are vital to cell function - in particular energy storage and cell signalling. Cell signalling is the way cells communicate which allows for important functions such as support of the immune system and tissue repair to occur. When cells are not properly communicating due to any type of damage, it can result in various health challenges. Cell damage occurs as a result of lipid peroxidation when free radicals affect electrons in cell membrane lipids. Damage to the cell membranes prevents clear communication between cells, therefore disrupting normal cell function.

Research suggests that lipid peroxidation due to free radicals is a major contributor to the functional decline characteristics common in an aging brain.

An August 2009 study conducted on rats tested the aging effects of aluminium toxicity. One group was given a measured level of toxicity. The other group was given the same toxicity mixed with a substance that acted as a free radical scavenger with antioxidant properties. The two groups had dramatically different results. The first group, given only the aluminium-toxic substance, experienced:

  • A significant increase to lipid peroxidation, leading to oxidative stress and free radical damage;

  • A decrease of SOD, glutathione and other antioxidants. The second group, which was given a free radical scavenger, experienced opposite findings:

  • Lowered lipid peroxidation;

  • Enhanced antioxidant activity.

The study found that the free radical scavenger reduced oxidative stress, therefore helping slow down the aging process caused by toxins.

The importance of a healthy brain and body is evident.

Free radicals and environmental stressors are not only bad for us, but can also speed the aging process. It is important to understand that during times of environmental stress, free radicals can drastically increase and potentially result in significant cell damage. The importance of supporting antioxidant production cannot be overemphasized. Glutathione and other antioxidants such as SOD and CAT work together toward this end. Max International supplements such as Cellgevity, MaxONE and MaxGXL help the body by providing each cell the fuel it needs to increase antioxidant activity.


Living in a toxic environment is an inescapable reality for modern humans. Everything from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe is laden with various toxins and chemicals. Our liver is most responsible for removing these toxins from our bodies, making it one of the most stressed and important bodily organs.

The liver basically performs the role of a washing machine or filter, removing harmful toxins before they have a chance to enter our blood. This important organ is also tasked with the removal of micro-organisms like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites before they can penetrate the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Surprisingly, the body actually produces some toxins of its own. Fat cells can store toxins for years, only to release them when fat is burned during exercise or fasting. Nutritional deficiencies are also responsible for increasing this toxic load. This demonstrates the crucial importance of maintaining a healthy diet, since such a diet both supports proper liver function and reduces the number of damaging toxins.

Glutathione's Role in Detoxification

The liver conducts detoxification in two distinct phases. In phase I, it either totally neutralizes toxins or dilutes them into weaker forms. In phase II, the liver releases powerful enzymes and antioxidants like glutathione. Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage. These free radicals are produced during normal oxidation and can damage healthy cells. Glutathione is the single most important antioxidants made by the body.

Glutathione Deficiency

When an individual is burdened with a heavy toxin load for a long time, an imbalance can occur between the phases. This results in depletion of important nutrients like glutathione. If glutathione is not available in sufficient amounts during phase II detoxification, liver damage can result. Supplying the body with adequate nutrients and limiting free radical damage is vital to maintaining good health.

Because our bodies are under constant assault from toxins and stressors, it is vitally important that our bodies have the tools needed to fend off these invaders. To visualize this, imagine your liver as a clean sponge, soaking up toxins and free radicals that can damage your body. Now imagine this same sponge filled with toxic junk and placed into a bowl of fresh, clean water. How much of this clean, healthy water could it absorb? The answer is clearly very little. However, if the dirty sponge is first wrung out and placed in fresh water, it can now easily absorb the healthy water. The same is true of your body and liver.

This highlights the important role of glutathione in our bodies. Glutathione supports the vital work that the livers performs, enabling it to more effectively detoxify our bodies and remove cellular toxins. The cells are then better able to receive nutrients and perform their vital functions, leading to a more healthy, vigorous body.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant of your body. Found in every cell of your body, glutathione cleanses and protects your body at the cellular level by fighting free radicals and removing harmful toxins. One special aspect of glutathione is that it is the only antioxidant that recycles itself after use.

Unfortunately, as you age your body produces less of this important antioxidant. Glutathione can slow the aging process, reduce inflammation, and remove damaging toxins from cells. It also helps improve athletic performance and helps maintain healthy joint function.

Eating a nutritious diet combined with regular exercise and supplementation is a powerful way to ensure you are supporting healthy liver function and maintaining a body with a low level of toxins. MaxGXL, MaxONE and Cellgevity were created to boost natural glutathione production and assist your liver and other critical organs to function at an optimal level.

Glutathione and its role in the human body

Glutathione is an amazing and powerful antioxidant that is created by the combination of three amino acids. On its own, glutamate is an essential component in the cells of the brain. Cysteine promotes the production of glutathione, while glycine boosts the body's metabolism. Together, glutamate, cysteine, and glycine join forces to protect the cells of the body. In the grand scheme of things, when it comes to survival of the fittest, glutathione packs a powerful punch. Playing the same role as so many other antioxidants, this heavy weight is a major force that stands against free radical damage, reducing the risk of allowing cancer cells to wreak havoc on the body. This essential component even boosts energy, providing that pep that is needed to take on the world.

Glutathione Makes Detoxification Happen

In a world where people are exposed to chemicals, artificial substances, and toxins on a daily basis, glutathione goes to battle to rid the body of any type of toxic substance, including heavy metals, that may be present at any time. The highest concentration of this vital antioxidant can be found in the kidneys and liver, the organs of the body that filter out any harmful waste. With high levels of glutathione, a body will do a better job of detoxification, paving the way for good health and well-being.

Glutathione Builds Up the Immune System

Think of glutathione as the powerful support system for so many vital functions in the body. This is includes immunity to illness. The immune system must always be at the ready, standing guard against parasites, bacteria, pre-cancerous cells, fungi, and viruses. With an abundant supply of glutathione in the body, the immune system can perform its job effectively, stopping antigens in their tracks. In the same way that glutathione eliminates toxins in the body and fights free radicals, it also fights any type of living organism that invades, stopping or reducing their damaging effects.

Glutathione: The Body's Natural Defender

The good news about glutathione is the fact that it naturally occurs in the body. While the amino acids found in this antioxidant can be absorbed through food, the miraculous human organism creates this powerhouse, allowing it to perform at optimal levels when there is an adequate supply within the body. Glutathione is of utmost importance to every living thing and exists in the water, land, plant life, and animal life.

Aging Takes a Toll on Glutathione

One cannot deny the importance of glutathione in order to maintain a strong, healthy body. As it detoxifies and strengthens the immune system, it assists in metabolism and boosts energy as well. Unfortunately, levels begin to drop with aging. In addition, those who suffer from catastrophic illnesses generally have a glutathione deficiency as well. In order to avoid severe consequences, action needs to be taken to replenish glutathione, thereby restoring good health in the process.

Without Glutathione, Disease Sets In

Whether it happens with aging or some other imbalance has caused a glutathione deficiency in the body, the ramifications are serious. When this antioxidant is absent or drops to a low level, the following are more likely:

  • Cataracts
  • Alzheimer's
  • Lou Gehrig's Disease
  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Liver Disease
  • Lung Disease
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Immune System Issues

In essence, a deficiency of glutathione opens the door for illness to plague the body. Fortunately, it is possible to take action before it's too late.

Prevention is the Key

The most important thing anyone can do is to be proactive and ensure that glutathione levels remain high in the body. Eating foods that contain the amino acids present in glutathione can be helpful, but the best way to assist the body in replenishing glutathione is to supplement cysteine levels. Bonded cysteine in pill form is the most effective way to allow the amino acid to be absorbed by the body. Rather than being digested in the stomach and eliminating its benefits, bonded cysteine goes to work through absorption in the intestines, moving on to the cells of the body next.

Build Up Glutathione and Build Up the Body

When glutathione is found in an abundant supply within the body, one can reap many rewards. Expect to sleep well and have a plentiful store of energy that makes it possible to power through the challenges of daily living. Fight off inflammation that can be the source of so many problems in the body. Support every vital system that makes the human body work efficiently. Maintain focus and even stave off the effects of aging. Those who have more than enough glutathione will seem to find the Fountain of Youth as their bodies remain strong and disease-free. There's no doubt that this antioxidant helps the body to be its best. In order to enjoy its benefits for years to come, be vigilant and supplement glutathione levels effectively. Good health and vitality will be the return for such an amazing gift.


Glutathione is the Superhero of Antioxidants

Glutathione is a critically important antioxidant that naturally occurs in our bodies.

As we age, our glutathione levels naturally decrease, resulting in free radical damage and oxidative stress. This can affect our brain, heart, ears, eyes, lungs, kidney, and liver. Max International’s products promote and enhance the body’s production of glutathione at the cellular level.

Brain: Brain Cells consume 20% of the oxygen used in the body, which generates many radicals. Detoxification of these Free Radicals is an essential task for the brain. Damage by Free Radicals in the brain has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Glutathione is an important antioxidant found in the brain that detoxifies these Free Radicals.

Heart: Heart Disease is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. It is associated with arteriosclerosis, which refers to the loss of elasticity or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis has been linked to lipid peroxidation, i.e. the oxidation of lipids or fats by Free Radicals. The enzyme Glutathione Peroxidase, which requires Glutathione, detoxifies the lipid peroxides produced during the oxidation of lipids.

Ears: Hearing Loss increases as we age. Oxidative injury caused by Free Radical damage is likely the most fundamental cause of age-related damage. Glutathione is known to be present in the cochlea of the ear (inner ear), which is the essential organ for hearing. And plays a key role in protecting the cochlea against noise and age-related hearing loss.

Eyes: Glutathione is highly concentrated in the lens of our eyes to protect against UV radiation. UV radiation is a generator of Free Radicals and can cause oxidation of lens proteins leading to opacity of the lens. Antioxidants play an important role in the defense of Oxidative Stress in lenses.

Lungs: Detoxify many of the toxic environmental chemicals that we inhale. Glutathione is highly concentrated in the lungs. It serves as an antioxidant, as well as a detoxifier for these inhaled environmental chemicals.

Kidney: Responsible for filtering blood and for the removal of a variety of waste products. Glutathione serves many functions in the kidneys. But a primary role is supporting the elimination of harmful by-products of liver metabolism.

Liver: The liver cleanses the body of many damaging toxins before they can enter the bloodstream. Glutathione is the most essential element used by the liver during the Detoxification Process. When your body is exposed to large amounts of toxins for long periods, Glutathione levels become depleted. Liver damage and Oxidative Stress can result from inadequate Glutathione levels.

Glutathione and the Brain

As the brain's master antioxidant, glutathione plays an essential role in protecting this vital organ from free radical activity. Studies indicate that damage by free radicals to brain tissue may be associated with neurodegenerative disorders. The neutralization of these free radicals is, therefore, an essential function of glutathione in the brain.

The brain is without doubt one of the most fascinating and mysterious organs in the body. It goes without saying that organs don’t get more vital than the brain, yet it is highly vulnerable to free radical activity also called oxidation.

Relative to many other organs in the human body, the brain is deficient in defences to oxidative stress.

This deficiency in the brain can leave it vulnerable to lipid peroxidation. Lipids are a broad group of naturally occurring molecules which include fats, waxes, and such vitamins as A, D, E, and K. Lipids play an important role in such functions as energy storage and cell signalling.

Cell signalling is a complex system of communication between the cells that governs cell activity and allows cells to perceive and correctly respond to their microenvironment, setting the stage for important functions such as tissue repair and support of the immune system as the result of environmental stress. Conversely, when cell signalling fails it can result in health challenges of various kinds across the board.

The oxidation degeneration of lipids is called lipid peroxidation. This occurs when free radicals steal electrons from lipids in the cell membrane resulting in cell damage.

The brain:

  • Accounts for only about 2 percent of the body’s mass, yet it utilizes approximately 20 perfect of the body’s oxygen.

  • Is rich in lipids with unsaturated fatty acids, which are targets for lipid peroxidation—which results in cell damage through free radical activity.

  • Contains less Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) antioxidant enzyme, and glutathione activity when compared with other major organs such as the liver.

These facts only underline the importance of supporting the antioxidant system for the best possible brain function throughout a person's life. The brain can become vulnerable to free radicals when it is subjected to chemicals that are known to decrease glutathione. During times of environmental stress, free radicals can increase dramatically and potentially result in significant cell structure damage culminating in oxidative stress. Providing the body with a means to keep free radical activity in check is vital. Glutathione and other antioxidants such as SOD and CAT work together toward this end.

Effects on aging in the brain

Research suggests that oxidative damage from free radicals is a major contributor to the functional decline characteristics of aging in the brain.

An August, 2009 study conducted on two groups of rats tested the aging effects of aluminium toxicity, administered to the first group.8 The same toxicity mixed with a substance that acted as a free radical scavenger with antioxidant properties was given to a control group with dramatically different results.

The first group, which was given only the aluminium-toxic substance, experienced:

  • A significant increase to lipid peroxidation, leading to free radical damage and oxidative stress

  • A decrease of SOD, glutathione and other antioxidants The control group, which was given free radical scavenger, experienced the opposite:

  • Lipid Peroxidation was lowered

  • Antioxidant activity was enhanced

The study found that the free radical scavenger had a protective effect against toxin-induced changes related to aging by reducing oxidative stress. This slowed the aging process which was present in the first group.

The importance of a healthy brain is self evident. Subjecting ourselves to an abundance of free radicals and environmental stressors is not only bad for us but can accelerate the aging process in the brain. The brain requires a lot of oxygen and is more susceptible to oxidative stress than many organs because of a lower natural concentration of antioxidant activity. MaxGXL, MaxONE and Cellgevity help the body by giving each cell, including the all-important cells found in the brain, the fuel they need to increase antioxidant activity. This will have a lasting effect on health as it slows the aging process.

Glutathione: The Body's Natural Defender

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